My bike has sold, but you can still enjoy the pictures! This was my first bike and I thoroughly enjoyed getting comfortable with my first year of motorcycling on this beautiful classic. It is light and easy cruiser around town, yet powerful enough for a spirited ride through the country - this is the motorcycle that later became known as the Honda Rebel.

1982 Honda CM250C

(More details about the CM250C can be found on this excellent reference page by Chris Harrison:

The classic old-school carburated fuel system makes this a simple motor to tinker and tune, but still averages a cost-saving 55 MPG. 

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

1982 Honda CM250C

My 1982 Honda CM250C starting from cold.